Bonsucro Global Week 2024, in Mexico, was our biggest and most diverse conference to date, with 250 participants from more than 30 countries. As always, attendees represented the entire sugarcane supply chain, but also civil society, certification bodies, training providers and research bodies. As a global community, representing many contexts, challenges, and voices, getting together […]
The winners of this year’s Bonsucro Inspire Awards were announced yesterday at Bonsucro Global Week. The winning projects address critical sustainability challenges in human rights, the environment and the sugarcane value chain. We also celebrated our members’ commitment to continuous improvement and awarded a special lifetime achievement award for services to sustainability in sugarcane. Best […]
Climate change is one of the biggest sustainability risks not only in the sugarcane supply chain, but across all agricultural commodities worldwide. Yet globally, agriculture is directly responsible for up to 8.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions, with a further 14.5% coming from land use change. To support sugarcane and cotton producers in taking their […]
Smallholder farmers are the backbone of many sugarcane supply chains around the world. Some of the biggest sugarcane producing countries, such as Mexico, Thailand, India and Pakistan, heavily rely on smallholder farmers for most of their volumes. The contexts and challenges of sugarcane smallholders are complex. For buyers, who operate in lengthy supply chains with […]
A Bonsucro e a Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) assinaram um Acordo de Cooperação Técnica para desenvolver um procedimento integrado das certificações Bonsucro e RenovaBio. Através desta parceria iremos: construir um procedimento compartilhado para que os produtores de etanol de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil obtenham ambas as certificações. trocar experiências e […]
Bonsucro and Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement to develop an integrated procedure of Bonsucro & RenovaBio certifications. Through this partnership, we will: build a shared procedure for sugarcane ethanol producers in Brazil to obtain both certifications. exchange experiences and knowledge about the certification process and […]
The Bonsucro Impact Fund has entered its third year, and new grant opportunities are now available for projects centred on human rights. We’ve published our first call for proposals for 2024, on Collective action to combat forced labour and child labour in the sugarcane sector. If you have an innovative project concept that will create […]
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Kiran Wadhwana has been appointed as the new Chair of our Board of Directors. Mr. Wadhwana will officially take up the role on 1 May 2024. Mr. Wadhwana, a long-time supporter of Bonsucro and current Board member, was nominated to the position of Chair following the retirement of […]
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