Certification Tools

Below are the key tools you need to achieve Bonsucro certification against our current Standards.


Name of documentDescriptionEnglishEspañolPortuguêsไทย
Bonsucro Production Standard v5.2
Bonsucro Production Standard v5.2The Bonsucro Production Standard applies worldwide to any sugarcane mill and their supplying area wishing to sell sugarcane derived products as Bonsucro certified and make related claims.

This version of the BPS V5.2 was published on 31st July 2023. It supersedes all previous versions and is binding from 2nd December 2023.
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Summary of changes to the Bonsucro Production StandardSummary of changes from v5.1 to v5.2 of the Bonsucro Production StandardDownload
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Bonsucro Calculator 5.2.2Supporting evaluation against Bonsucro Production Standard V5.2AccessAccesoAcesso
Training platformAccessAccesoAcesso
Implementation Guidance for v5.2
This document provides operators with guidance to implement the Bonsucro Production Standard V5.2 at the mill and farm level.DownloadDescargarBaixar เมื่อต้องการดาวน์โหลด
Implementation Policy for v5.2This document contains the rules to start implementing the BPS v5.2.Download
Agrochemical Prohibited List v1.1List of agrochemicals prohibited for use in the Bonsucro Production Standard certification (including Smallholder Standard)Download
Carbon Accounting in Sugarcane: Bonsucro Calculator User guideThis guide provides a comprehensive overview of the GHG emissions methodology used in the Bonsucro Calculator, as well as an overview of the Calculators.Download
HCV Guidance - Bonsucro guidance for operators – Supply base mapping V2A guidance for mill operators to map and compile information on biodiversity, natural ecosystems and high conservation value indicators across the unit of certification, to support developing biodiversity management plans.DownloadDescargarBaixar
HCV Guidance - Bonsucro guidance for operators – Developing a biodiversity management plan V2This guidance is designed to support operators on indicator 4.1.2 using outputs generated in supply base mapping of biodiversity and natural ecosystems under indicator 4.1.1.DownloadDescargarBaixar
HCV Guidance - Bonsucro guidance for operators – Expansion of cultivation V2A guidance to help growers implement Bonsucro’s requirements related to expansion of sugar cane cultivation, as set out in indicator 1.2.2.DownloadDescargarBaixar
HCV Guidance - Bonsucro guidance for experts – Expansion of cultivation V2This document is designed for experts to help growers implement Bonsucro’s requirements related to expansion of sugar cane cultivation, as set out in indicator 1.2.2.DownloadDescargarBaixar
Production Standard for Smallholder Farmers
Production Standard for Smallholder Farmers v1.01This document adapts the set of principles, criteria and indicators of the Bonsucro Production Standard - which defines sustainable performance of sugarcane producers and processors - for the smallholder farmer context.DownloadDescargar
Bonsucro Calculator for Smallholder Farmers v1.2Supporting evaluation against Bonsucro Production Standard for Smallholder Farmers V1.01DownloadDescargar
Bonsucro Farm DiaryThis tool has been developed for Smallholder Framers to capture data towards completion of the Bonsucro Calculator.DownloadDescargar
Chain of Custody Standard
Bonsucro Mass Balance Chain of Custody Standard (including Guidance)The objective is to provide assurance that claims of compliance can be tracked along the supply chain. Organisations undergoing the Bonsucro certification process must comply with Bonsucro ChoC Standard. The Bonsucro ChoC standard applies to any organisation purchasing, handling and/or trading physical Bonsucro-compliant material who wishes to make any claim about the status of the material or representation of the material.DownloadDescargarBaixar
Bonsucro EU RED Standard
Bonsucro EU RED Standard v2This standard has been designed as a voluntary add-on to the Bonsucro Standards and shall always be used in conjunction with the applicable Bonsucro Standards.Download
Audit checklist for the EU-RED Standard v2This checklist is to be used by a certification body assessing compliance of an economic operator with the EU Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EC requirements
This checklist is to be used together with the Bonsucro Calculator.
Summary of Changes in the Bonsucro EU-RED Standard v2A summary of the changes made from v1 to v2 of the EU-RED StandardDownload
Bonsucro guidance for EU-RED Standard default values July 2024Guidance on greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements specified in version 2.1 of the EU-RED StandardDownload
Bonsucro Certification Protocol v6Bonsucro has developed a Certification Protocol that presents the process and procedures for certification against the Bonsucro standards. DownloadDescargarBaixar
Bonsucro Certification Protocol v5.1*Part A still valid -
Parts B onwards no longer applicable*
Bonsucro has developed a Certification Protocol that presents the process and procedures for certification against the Bonsucro standards.
Bonsucro Exemption ProcedureThis document defines the process followed by Certification Bodies to request an exemption against the Bonsucro Standards, Certification Protocol, and related policies and guidelines.Download
General Documents
Bonsucro Climate Zone MapOpen
FAQsFrequently asked questions around our Standards and Assurance system.Download
Errata documentThe corrections listed in this errata sheet apply to the document listed on column A – Reference Document and can refer to typographical errors, misprints, misspellings, grammatical errors or omission of material or content or the erroneous inclusion of material/content.

This errata is valid while a new version of the reference documents is being prepared for publication.
QMS libraryThis library holds all Standards and Assurance documents. Open


For all inquiries and feedback on any of the Bonsucro standards, revision processes or to request a hard copy of public summaries, standards or other related materials, please contact standards@bonsucro.com