Continuous Improvement Report

Sustainability is a journey.

Continuous improvement is at the centre of the Bonsucro Strategic Plan 2021-2026. For the second year, our members have reported on their commitments, progress and plans on sustainable sugarcane production, processing and sourcing for the year 2021, in compliance to our Code of Conduct.

The annual ‘Continuous Improvement Report’ (CIR) is not only an accountability tool; it also offers visibility on where members are on their journey and allows us to support them wherever they are and across different contexts.

We would like to thank our members for taking the time to complete the report. With each year that passes, we will build a better picture of what improvement looks like across the sector. Bonsucro commissioned the consultancy Efeca to analyse members’ responses and draw out key learnings and best practices.



Download the 2022 report


2021 report

Manuelita S.A

Inspire Awards


We have strong foundations. But we can go even further.

This second Continuous Improvement Report demonstrates solid progress towards sustainable sugarcane from many Bonsucro members. We’re pleased to learn about their initiatives and how they are delivering economic, social and environmental impacts on the ground.

We are confident that more can be done by our members and we stand ready to support them. The Bonsucro Strategic Plan 2021-2026 has set a framework for sustainable sugarcane and we look forward to seeing more work in line with our Strategic Aims in the years ahead.

Download the report

If you would like to know more about the Continuous Improvement reporting process, contact the team at

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