Building a strong and credible sustainability system

At Bonsucro, we pride ourselves on being a trusted and valued partner for the whole sugarcane value chain. We support organisations, no matter where they are in their sustainability journey. Our team of experts are dedicated to creating a space for listening, learning and authentic dialogue, and are a trusted partner for members on their sustainability journey.

What does this mean?

Transparent and clear communication is key to the maintaining the trust over our 300+ members and make a greater impact.

As an ISEAL Code Compliant member, our values for a credible and effective sustainability system align with the ISEAL Credibility Principles. 

Sustainability impacts

Our purpose is to collectively accelerate the sustainable production and uses of sugarcane. Our Strategy and certification standard are built around three main aims:

  1. To create value across the supply chain,
  2. To improve the environmental impact of sugarcane,
  3. To strengthen human rights & decent work.

Working towards these objectives, we seek to address the root causes of issues, by working with our members locally.

These goals are translated into key performance indicators. We are closely monitoring our progress towards each of them and we publicly report on this journey each year.


As a multi-stakeholder initiative with a global membership from all parts of the sugarcane sector, collaboration is central to our identity. Our success as a standard system and as a platform requires us to convene, learn and share with like-minded organisations.

Value creation

We are creating value for mills and farms and across the entire sugarcane supply chain, including buyers and end users – as well as others with a stake in making the sector more sustainable, such as governments, financial service providers and civil society.

Bonsucro members have access to exclusive resources and tools to embed sustainability in their operations and procurement. They can also apply for grants to fund their impact projects on the ground through the Bonsucro Impact Fund

Throughout the years, the added-value of Bonsucro certification has proven effective, through increased productivity, better market access, enhanced reputation, and more.

Stakeholder engagement and impartiality

Bonsucro membership includes all actors along the supply chain, as well as civil society. This is reflected in our members’ council, which allows us to hear the opinions of all groups. 

We are continuously engaging with companies and organisations across the sector and regions and regularly launch public consultations (e.g. revision of the Production Standard, impact projects) to listen to diverse perspectives.

Members can use our Grievance Mechanism; a fair, impartial and accessible mechanisms for resolving complaints and conflicts.

Continuous improvement

Because sustainability never stops, continuous improvement is at the heart of everything we do. To ensure that our Standards remain at the forefront of sustainability, we review and revise them regularly.

Just as we support members with the monitoring and improvement of their sustainability, we are committed to learning, adapting and improving as an organisation.

In line with the commitments of our Strategic Plan, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and learning are essential parts of Bonsucro’s activities that ensures we measure impact and progress against our global targets.

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In practice:

Code of conduct

Bonsucro’s Code of Conduct is the agreement members make with Bonsucro to be part of the platform. It is a key mechanism by which Bonsucro drives its vision of collectively accelerating the sustainable production and uses of sugarcane. 

It was developed in line with the United National Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and ensures that all our members are committed to their sustainability journey. 

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Tools for change

Bonsucro has practical tools, meaningful solutions, and a training/resources directory that offer data driven insights to help the sugarcane sector see and understand progress and move towards a more sustainable future. 

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Robust, metric standard

A Bonsucro certificate is internationally recognised and respected. By achieving a certificate, companies can improve their image, achieve sustainability procurement goals, and build partnerships to tackle sustainability issues together. 

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We’ve put in place a robust governance structure alongside strong procedures to ensure that Bonsucro is in the best position to work towards its vision. 

To ensure that Bonsucro is in the best position to work towards its vision, we’ve put in place a robust governance structure alongside strong procedures. Our governance bodies are made up of industry experts and members from across the sugarcane value chain. 

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Grievance mechanism

It’s important that we are held and hold members to account. Our complaints management ecosystem provides a space for stakeholders to complain about the action or inaction of others.

An important part of this is our Grievance Mechanism, which we developed in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It is also a requirement of our Code of Conduct that all of our members must have a Grievance Mechanism and/or work with an external grievance mechanism.  

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To encourage a more inclusive approach to farm and mill performance improvement and provide buyers of sugarcane products and other stakeholders with a clear, transparent and objective view about the differences between Bonsucro and the schemes, we have developed a benchmarking protocol to give information on the level of alignment with the Bonsucro Production Standard. 

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