
Blog Archives

What are the UNGP?

The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) is an instrument consisting of 31 principles implementing the United Nations’ (UN) “Protect, Respect and Remedy” framework on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. The instrument can be found here

What happens if a member does not submit the report/s?

The submission of Members Annual Reports is a requirement under Bonsucro Code of Conduct (clause 4.1). Bonsucro will do as much as possible to understand and work together with the member in addressing any barriers that might exists. However, this remains a Code requirement for continued membership, therefore should a member miss two years of […]

What happens after I have submitted the Members Annual Report?

Once submissions are received, the Bonsucro team will review the answers and provide feedback to the members where any further information might be needed or any actions need to be taken. For the Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights sections, the Bonsucro team will assess the answers against the Code of Conduct and using […]

How can I collaborate with multiple people on the survey?

Follow the steps to save the form (instructions are provided at the beginning of the Annual Report form) and share the confirmation email with the person you would like to collaborate with – they should then enter the email address and password that you set when you saved the form. If you wish to return […]

What do I need to include in the ‘Legal Compliance’ section?

The Legal Compliance section is for members to disclose any relevant complaints issued or adverse findings by a court, or other judicial body, for each entity in membership/members cohort, in relation to their sugarcane production or sourcing supply chain. These should be either ongoing or within the last 6 years.  The issues/cases/complaints disclosed needs to […]

What is a ‘Member Cohort’?

A Member Cohort is a group of related entities that become part of Bonsucro through a parent or related company as specified in the Bonsucro Code of Conduct Implementation Guide paragraph 2A. Where one entity in a Member Cohort is found to be in breach of the Code, any consequences apply to the membership of […]

How can I see the responses I provided in 2023 and update them with any changes?

Submitted reports in 2023 or earlier are saved in each member’s account on Bonsucro Connect and you will find the 2023 completed surveys in the responses section. For the self-assessment part specifically (Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights sections), Bonsucro provides a functionality in our new platform, Form Assembly, that pre-populates member answers based […]

I completed the report in 2023, do I need to fill it in again?

Yes. The Member Annual Report is a membership requirement as outlined in Bonsucro Code of Conduct (clause 4.1) and it is an essential part of obligations as a Bonsucro member. The reporting happens annually and members are required to submit their reports every year. For the self-assessment part (Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights […]

How do I access and complete the 2024 Members Annual report?

In April 2024 Bonsucro members will receive an email with a link to complete the Member Annual Report. You will be able to save and return to the form if necessary and will be given the option to ‘re-assign’ someone else at your organisation to complete the Member Annual Report. As in previous years, for […]