Working towards the Sustainable Development Goals

We’ve aligned our Strategic Plan, Standards and wider activities to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The SDGs help inform the way we understand and evaluate our impact on the sugarcane sector and its communities. By engaging with our guidelines, Bonsucro members and certified producers can also contribute to these global goals.

Read our full report here

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. The SDGs aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all people by 2030.

The goals integrate social, economic, and environmental sustainability and cover topics such as health, education, gender equality, climate action, and more. 

Creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context. Many businesses refer to the sustainable development goals in their ESG reporting because it is such a well-recognised framework used by local, national and international agencies.

Within each SDG there are targets and indicators describing interventions and approaches that help achieve the goals. Many of Bonsucro’s requirements for membership and certification align with specific SDG targets and indicators.

How does Bonsucro work towards the SDGs?

Code of Conduct

All members must comply with our Code of Conduct, pass due diligence checks and agree to be bound by our Grievance Mechanism. They also commit to respecting human rights, to comply with the law and to the principle of continuous improvement. By embedding this commitment into their operations members automatically contribute towards certain targets of the SDGs, with support and influence from Bonsucro to continue improving.

Our Production Standard

The Bonsucro Production Standard details the requirements and guidance for the sustainable production and milling of sugarcane.  In order to achieve certification, producers must meet rigorous targets set out in the Production Standard to keep workers safe, respect labour rights, limit greenhouse gas emissions – and more. Many indicators drive action contributing to the SDGs. 

Our wider activities

We convene the sector to share knowledge and tackle complex issues that align with the SDG targets. This includes convening the conversation on living wage and promoting human rights. We fund impact projects through the Bonsucro Impact Fund, and run training sessions on topics such as implementing grievance mechanisms.

We contribute to the following:

Our Production Standard has criteria and implementation guidance to enhance productivity and incomes for smallholder farmers, and promote sustainable resilient agricultural practices.

Our Production Standard requires operators to manage occupational health and safety hazards, and protect workers – including managing risks from heat stress and chemical exposure.

Certification prohibits discrimination, and encourages female representation in management position and their participation in decision-making.

Our Production Standard requires operators to have a water stewardship plan, to use water resources efficiently, and protect waterways from pollution.

We deliver training on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and certification requires operators to ensure labour rights are upheld for all workers.

The Production Standard requires all workers to have benefits and salaries sufficient to achieve an adequate standard of living. We also convene our members to address the complex topic of living wage.

The Production Standard includes many indicators around managing, protecting and restoring natural resources, such as soil and water. Certified operators must also manage chemicals and waste responsibly.

Certification requires operators to conduct a climate risk assessment and implement a mitigation and resilience plan that includes meeting indicators to improve the environmental impact of sugarcane through multiple channels. For example, this could be achieved through reducing greenhouse gas emissions or minimising chemical application.

The Production Standard requires operators develop an implement a biodiversity management plan. Operators must demonstrate protection of high value conservation areas and natural ecosystems.

Our governance and operations seek to ensure responsive, inclusive, and participatory decision-making at all levels. Certification requires enforcement of non-discriminatory laws and policies, and promotes inclusion through engagement with stakeholders.

We work in partnership with members and other actors in the sustainable commodities sector, and catalyse partnerships between actors in the sugarcane sector. The Bonsucro Impact Fund only funds projects delivered in partnership.

We also indirectly contribute to:

  • SDG 1 – No poverty
  • SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
  • SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG 14 – Life below water

Bonsucro certified operators

Operators that are fully compliant with the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2 contribute to:

  • 2 – Zero hunger
  • 3 – Good health and wellbeing
  • 5 – Gender equality
  • 6 – Clean water and sanitation
  • 8 – Decent work and economic growth
  • 10 – Reduced inequalities
  • 12 – Responsible consumption and production
  • 13 – Climate action
  • 15 – Life on land
  • 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

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