11th March 2020
Bonsucro has joined Bond – the UK network for organisations working in international development.
Bond has 450 members in its network. The membership is comprised of a diverse range of organisations that help to eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.
Bonsucro operates as a multi-stakeholder network to promote sustainability in sugarcane. We appreciate the value of an established network and believe in the power of collaboration to create change.
There is some overlap in Bond and Bonsucro’s membership. However, we believe that the Bond network will introduce us to some new organisations and open the door for new collaborations.
Bond is a useful platform for the latest news on international development. It has a series of support groups, platforms for discussion and library of resources. We aim to use our membership to build new relationships, learn from others and share ideas with the community.
We’re really pleased to have joined this dynamic network and look forward to engaging further with the sector.