Member's Annual Report

Bonsucro members agree to our Code of Conduct. The Code defines members’ roles and responsibilities as we work to collectively accelerate the sustainable production and uses of sugarcane.  

The Code of Conduct (clause 4.1) requires members to submit an annual report. This is a survey of three parts, the results of which help to determine Bonsucro’s priorities, and allow us to offer greater support to our members. But it also helps us to ensure that Bonsucro is a global network of committed members driving change in the sugarcane sector.  

The three parts of the Annual Report are: 

  • The Membership Satisfaction Survey 
  • The Due Diligence Questionnaire 
  • The Continuous Improvement Survey 

Our members submit a report every year, and their answers are confidential and not accessible by others. The page below offers some information on the three surveys and includes some tips on submitting your annual report. 

Thank you to every member who fills out their annual reports. Bonsucro wouldn’t exist without its members and all the hard work you do to make sugarcane more sustainable.  

2024 Reporting

This year, Bonsucro has moved away from Supply Shift (Bonsucro Connect) as the submission portal for the annual reports.
We will be asking you to submit via our new platform, Form Assembly. We believe this new system will make it easier for you to submit your information and allow Bonsucro to process your information more efficiently.

In April 2024 Bonsucro members will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the Bonsucro Member Annual Report. It will involve following a link to a form where you can submit your report through our new platform, Form Assembly. As in previous years, for members who have submitted annual reports in the past, certain key information will be pre-populated into your submission form.

You will no longer be asked to submit your report via Supply Shift (Bonsucro Connect), however individual Bonsucro Connect member accounts will remain open for as long as you wish, as long as the data remains within these accounts. If you have forgotten your password for your Supply Shift account, you should follow the steps in Supply Shift FAQs. If you want to close your account, you should contact Supply Shift directly (


The Member’s Annual Report for 2024 needs to be submitted by 15 June 2024 and covers 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.  

The Annual Report consists of three parts: 

  1. Membership Satisfaction Survey: your chance to give us feedback on your membership experience, and to let us know what activities you want us to prioritise.
    In 2022 74% of Bonsucro members said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their membership. The results of the survey also showed that there is an appetite among our members for shared learning opportunities and in-person events, as well as to know more about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the supply chain. This led to two big in-person events in 2022, as well as the launch of our project to create a sector-wide GHG mitigation pathway.
  2. The Member Due Diligence Questionnaire: by filling in this self-assessment you help provide assurance that Bonsucro is a network of credible businesses wanting to drive change, by committing to understanding and improving their operations. This questionnaire is based on Bonsucro’s Code of Conduct, and alignment with the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
    If you have filled it out in previous years, your questionnaire will be pre-populated with your answers – all you need to do is update and evidence any changes made, and any new risks that have emerged, between 1 January and December 31, 2023.
  3. The Continuous Improvement Survey: this is your opportunity to demonstrate how you are putting your commitment to sustainability in sugarcane into practice.
    Your answers are valuable insights into the challenges you face on the ground, and are used to inform our work – including deciding webinar and training topics, and which themes are included in grants from the Bonsucro Impact Fund. You can find last year’s results from the Continuous Improvement Survey here

Take a look at a preview of the report’s questions here: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Top tips for completing your Annual Report

The Member’s Annual Report for 2024 needs to be submitted by 15 June 2024 and covers 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.  

In April 2024 Bonsucro members will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the Bonsucro Member Annual Report.

Once you’ve submitted your report, Bonsucro will review your answers. Bonscuro reserves the right to get in touch if any further information is needed, or actions need to be taken by your organisation.

Due to the size of our organisation the review process can take a while, but rest assured we value and care about every single submission.

If you need any help or advice filling out your annual report, please contact your account manager –  the team is always willing to answer your questions. If you are having technical issues with your Member Annual Report form, please contact Imogen Jefferies (Systems & Technology Manager, Bonsucro) who will be able to assist.

We’ve put together a series of tutorials on the Member Annual Report – watch here.

If you haven’t submitted before:

You don’t need to do anything – wait for an email with a link to start your Bonsucro Member Annual Report in 2024.

Complete the surveys and press submit when you are done. You will receive a copy of your submission via email.

If you have submitted an annual report before:

Your answers for the self-assessed Due Diligence Questionnaire will be pre-populated based on your report from last year. If you made any changes or collected any new evidence between 1 January and 31 December 2023, please make sure to update your answers, and mention how you’ve addressed any improvement recommendations from Bonsucro (if any were made in previous years).

Your previously submitted reports from 2023 or earlier can also be found on Supply Shift – these are confidential and cannot be accessed by others. If you wish to share the report with other departments, you can download a copy by clicking on Organisational Details within the survey, and clicking on Import and Get Template.

The Update Cohort Information section should be updated if a member wants to add to or change their Membership Cohort (the group of related entities that became part of Bonsucro through a parent or related company).

Please note: If one entity in a Membership Cohort is found to be in breach of the Bonscuro Code of Conduct, any consequences apply to the entire Cohort.

Previews and tutorials

Take a look at a preview of the report’s questions here: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Our Senior Membership Manager, Rafael Seixas, has put together a series of tutorials explaining the Member Annual Report, and giving advice on how to fill it in on Form Assembly. More tutorials will be added in the coming days.

Watch the tutorials


Frequently Asked Questions

Go to this URL (you can click “change language” on the dropdown to suit your language). Then click forgot password and follow the instructions.

On the next screen add your email address to receive a reset email from SupplyShift.  Please check your spam if you do not receive an email within 2 hours. If you have not received an email, the sender may be blocked please ask your IT provider to whitelist the domain address that sends the emails which is Please contact us if this does not work.


In April 2024 Bonsucro members will receive an email with a link to complete the Member Annual Report. You will be able to save and return to the form if necessary and will be given the option to ‘re-assign’ someone else at your organisation to complete the Member Annual Report. As in previous years, for members who have submitted annual reports in the past, certain key information will be pre-populated into your submission form.

Yes. The Member Annual Report is a membership requirement as outlined in Bonsucro Code of Conduct (clause 4.1) and it is an essential part of obligations as a Bonsucro member. The reporting happens annually and members are required to submit their reports every year. For the self-assessment part (Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights sections), Bonsucro provides a functionality that pre-populates member answers based on the report submitted in the previous year , so members only have to update them based on any changes and upload any relevant evidence. The Continuous Improvement Report covers a different period every year – for this year the report will need to cover the period 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2023.

You don’t need to do anything. Just follow the link provided to you and, after submitting an Access Request to confirm your identity, you will be able to continue with the Member Annual Report and update the answers submitted by your organisation in the previous year.

Alternatively, if you decide that a colleague is better suited to respond to the Bonsucro Member Annual Report, you can follow the steps to re-assign the report once your Access Request has been verified.

If you are having trouble logging in with your Access Request, please contact Imogen Jefferies ( who can assist.

Submitted reports in 2023 or earlier are saved in each member’s account on Bonsucro Connect and you will find the 2023 completed surveys in the responses section. For the self-assessment part specifically (Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights sections), Bonsucro provides a functionality in our new platform, Form Assembly, that pre-populates member answers based on the 2023 answers so that members only have to update them based on any changes and upload any relevant evidence.

A Member Cohort is a group of related entities that become part of Bonsucro through a parent or related company as specified in the Bonsucro Code of Conduct Implementation Guide paragraph 2A. Where one entity in a Member Cohort is found to be in breach of the Code, any consequences apply to the membership of the entire Member Cohort. For the avoidance of doubt, “group” or “cohort” in this context does not refer to a corporate group. Related entity refers to an affiliate, for example a subsidiary, parent, part-owned JV/ partnership, etc. A company in a cohort cannot be completely outside the corporate group and generally the term “related entity” involves one entity having some control over the other entity, for example, by direct or indirect ownership, or that the entities are under common control, etc.

Bonsucro members must update their Code of Conduct self-assessment to account for companies entering or leaving their Membership Cohort, see Code of Conduct Implementation Guide, 2F.  If a Member wants to add or change their Member Cohort, they need to update the self-assessment form to account for the change and confirm that they have undertaken their due diligence and no corrective actions are required.

The Legal Compliance section is for members to disclose any relevant complaints issued or adverse findings by a court, or other judicial body, for each entity in membership/members cohort, in relation to their sugarcane production or sourcing supply chain. These should be either ongoing or within the last 6 years.  The issues/cases/complaints disclosed needs to be in relation to the issues covered by the Code of Conduct, which are Environmental compliance, Health & Safety, Labour rights, Discrimination, Planning & Licensing including land tenure and indigenous/community engagement, Privacy and data protection, and any other relevant issue that the member deems pertinent to Bonsucro’s Code. In the report in Bonsucro Connect you will find more details on the type of cases to be considered.  

Follow the steps to save the form (instructions are provided at the beginning of the Annual Report form) and share the confirmation email with the person you would like to collaborate with – they should then enter the email address and password that you set when you saved the form.

If you wish to return to your form later, please make sure that you follow these steps to save your progress.

Once submissions are received, the Bonsucro team will review the answers and provide feedback to the members where any further information might be needed or any actions need to be taken. For the Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights sections, the Bonsucro team will assess the answers against the Code of Conduct and using Bonsucro’s internal risk assessment to identify any follow up needed with the member in relation to compliance with the Code. For the Continuous Improvement Report, the Bonsucro team or a consultant appointed by Bonsucro will aggregate the results and produce a report similar to previous years. Please note that, due to the size of our organisation and capacity we have, the process can take a few months, but Bonsucro aims to provide feedback to members in relation to their submissions within 6 months.

The submission of Members Annual Reports is a requirement under Bonsucro Code of Conduct (clause 4.1). Bonsucro will do as much as possible to understand and work together with the member in addressing any barriers that might exists. However, this remains a Code requirement for continued membership, therefore should a member miss two years of reporting without reasonable justification, Bonsucro reserves the right to suspend their membership until a report is submitted or next steps agreed with Bonsucro. Should the member also miss the third year of reporting, Bonsucro will keep engaging with the member and, depending on the specific issues a member might face and/or their engagement in addressing those, Bonsucro reserves the right to warn the member that  termination of membership might be considered, should that be deemed an appropriate measure.

The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) is an instrument consisting of 31 principles implementing the United Nations’ (UN) “Protect, Respect and Remedy” framework on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. The instrument can be found here