Webinar on EU policy developments shaping the sugarcane sector: What’s new?

Bonsucro held a webinar on 13 December about EU policy developments impacting on the production and trade of sugarcane products and derivatives.

Bonsucro has joined forces with SACAR – a Brussels-based NGO focused on agri-food trade – to help us monitor EU policy developments impacting on the production and trade of sugarcane products and derivatives.

In this member-only webinar, we heard about the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Scheme – a method for assessing and communicating the sustainability and environmental credentials of products (and organisations) within the EU. We also looked at how the EU is building sustainability concerns into the trade agreements that it is currently negotiating with India and Australia and reflected on what this means for sugar and ethanol exporters.

Catch up

This webinar was for members only. Bonsucro members can access the recording by contacting communications@bonsucro.com.