Bonsucro Technical Week - Swaziland 2017

26 – 30 June | Swaziland

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First African Bonsucro Technical Week

Over the course of 2017 Bonsucro has steadily increased its presence and activities in Africa. The continental interest in responsible sugar and ethanol production has grown, as well as local Bonsucro membership. To build further capacity of sustainable practices in the sugarcane sector, Bonsucro is organising the first African Bonsucro Technical Week in the Kingdom of Swaziland.

Bonsucro Technical Week is the ideal event for practitioners of the Bonsucro Platform and Certification System.  Join us for a weeklong event aimed at increasing technical knowledge, connecting with peers and introducing new tools and resources.

This event will include auditor/expert qualification training, introduction training, introduction to Bonsucro Connect, national/regional workshops, and a field trip.

Training Venue: Happy Valley Hotel / Lobamba, Swaziland / T. (+268) 2416 1199 / 2416 1898

To book your hotel room, please contact Happy Valley Hotel:

Bongiwe Fakudze,,  Tel: +268 2416 1061

Field Trip Venue: Ubombo Sugar Limited  – Illovo Sugar / Old Main Road,  Big Bend, Swaziland.

Agenda Overview


Special: 50% discount for members: For members of Bonsucro we offer a special of 50% discount thanks to funding from DFID through our Legend project. This offer only counts for the Expert Qualification Training. Instead of paying the normal price of $1075 members of Bonsucro pay $537.50.

  • Introduction  Training  (Day  1,  (morning) 2)  USD$300.
  • Expert/  Auditor  Qualification Training   (Day  1,2,3,4,5)    USD$1075  (15%  early  bird  discount   available  up  to  2  weeks  before  the  event)
    • Bonsucro  Members  are  eligible  for  a  50%  discount
  • Thursday Workshops  Sessions – Connect & Field Monitoring Systems  (Day  4)  –    FREE. Registration required
  • Field  Visit  (Day  5)  –  USD$100 Includes  only  field  trip

Introduction ​Training

Introduction to the  Bonsucro  Certification  System,  including the  Bonsucro  Production  Standard and the  Bonsucro  Calculator.

Happy Valley Hotel

Auditor/Expert ​Qualification ​Training

This  training  supports  qualification  for  Lead  Auditors  and  Technical  Managers.    This  also  provide  an  in-depth  training  for  quality/H&S/certification/environmental  managers  at  the  mill/farm  level.    The  training  concludes  with  an  exam  that  is  graded  by  the  Bonsucro  secretariat.

Happy Valley Hotel

LEGEND project workshop

Learn about risk management systems and Field Monitoring System (FMS) presented by our partners TMP Systems.

Happy Valley Hotel

​Introduction ​to ​Bonsucro ​Connect (consultation session)

Bonsucro Connect: ​Bonsucro ​is ​launching ​an ​IT ​Tool ​to ​enhance ​engagement ​with ​the ​Production ​and ​Chain ​of ​Custody ​Standards. ​ ​Bonsucro ​is ​holding ​this ​introduction ​training, ​and ​users ​are ​able ​to ​provide ​feedback ​that ​can ​be ​used ​for ​design ​improvements. ​ ​This ​will ​replace ​the ​current ​version ​of ​the ​Bonsucro ​Calculator ​(excel-based) ​over ​a ​transition ​period.

Happy Valley Hotel

Field Trip

Bonsucro ​will ​work ​with ​local ​producers ​to ​provide ​a ​‘real ​world’ ​tour ​of ​the ​certification ​system. ​Provides ​a ​learning ​opportunity ​for ​those ​in ​the ​Qualification ​Training ​to ​hear ​from ​a ​mill ​team ​and/or ​following ​a ​gap ​audit ​showcasing ​the ​work ​a ​farm ​and/or ​mill ​has ​done. ​ ​If ​you ​are ​certified ​producer ​or ​working ​toward ​Bonsucro ​Certification, ​please ​let ​us ​know ​if ​your ​company ​would ​be ​willing ​to ​host ​a ​field ​trip ​and ​partner ​for ​the ​event. ​ ​ ​

Ubombo Sugar Limited


Want to Support Bonsucro Technical Week?

Do you want to support change in the sugarcane sector? Bonsucro offers exclusive options for those looking to increase technical capacity in countries. Contact us at ( or +44 (0) 203 735 8917 for further information.