29th March 2022
The Bonsucro Impact Fund (BIF) was launched in March 2022. This grant-making fund leverages the income made from sales of Bonsucro Credits through the Bonsucro Credit Trading Platform, to co-invest in impact projects. Impact projects are initiatives that catalyse or accelerate sustainable sugarcane production, in line with Bonsucro’s 2021-26 strategy.
The Project Selection Committee (PSC) is a committee of six experts tasked with reviewing, evaluating, and recommending projects to be supported by the Bonsucro Impact Fund.
Bonsucro is looking for an Independent Expert to act as the Chair of the PSC.
Please submit an expression of interest that includes the following:
- A short statement of interest, explaining why you are interested in this role and how it builds on other ongoing or past work you have done (no more than one page)
- Detailed CV or resume outlining relevant experience and qualifications as referred to in the role description.
Interested candidates should submit an expression of interest to fund@bonsucro.com before 5:00 pm GMT on 20 April 2022. Applications should be marked PSC Independent Expert EOI in the email subject line.