Bonsucro Theory of Change open for feedback

17th November 2017

Update 2023: Please note that this article refers to an old version of the Theory of Change. For the latest version, click here.


After an extensive process of consultation and reflection, Bonsucro is excited to share its revised Theory of Change – a direct result of the revised strategy approved by the Board in 2015.

The file is available to download here.

At the core of the revised Theory of Change is the ultimate objective of Bonsucro as a platform for change to drive improvement in the economic, social, and environmental performance of sugarcane farmers and millers around the world. The Theory of Change defines four pathways which articulate how performance improvement will accelerate across the sector. These pathways directly frame the work the organisation is carrying out to the benefit of the sector. The pathways use four perspectives for each stakeholder group: farmers, mills, buyers (including traders, industrial buyers, and retailers), and sectors/regions (landscapes).

To ensure Bonsucro delivers on its promise and has a tangible impact on the sector, the organisation is also setting up a MEAL system (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning) to collect and communicate the evidence of effectiveness and impacts as a change platform and to learn and continuously improve our processes.

We’re now asking Bonsucro’s members and stakeholders their feedback on how we plan to deliver on the expected change and improvement across the sugarcane sector.

Feedback will be collected over 60 days. To submit comments or questions, please complete the survey below or send an email to:

Participants of Bonsucro Week 2018 in Nicaragua will also have the chance to hear more about the Theory of Change during the event.