Bonsucro Impact Fund: MEL Resources

Guidance on the documents used by BIF projects

Overview and guidance

The Bonsucro Impact Fund Guidance on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) provides information to help applicants and grantees to:

  • Understand and meet the specific MEL requirements for projects funded by BIF, including reports every six months
  • Understand key monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) practices
  • Improve project planning and project delivery
  • Gather the right data to monitor projects and measure impact



Read the guidance (English)

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The table below provides the templates BIF projects use to support their MEL reporting.

Name of documentDescriptionDescripciónDescrição
BIF MEL GuidanceImportant information and resources for grantees and applicants

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Logframe and WorkplanThis includes the Outcomes, Outputs, and Activities to set out the project’s theory of change.

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MEL Plan and Reporting TemplateProject teams use this template after funding has been approved.

Progress reports using this template must be submitted every six months.

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Progress Report (narrative)BIF grantees must submit a progress report every six months.

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Financial Report Template (narrative)BIF grantees must submit a progress report every six months.

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Final Report TemplateAt the end of the project, this template is used to reflect the full achievements of the project.

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For all enquiries on the MEL process, please contact