Should you wish to appeal a decision to suspend or terminate your licence-
- contact Bonsucro via the Salesforce Chatter Group or email info@bonsucro.com indicating the following information, as a minimum:
- Post / Email title: TP – Licence decision appeal
- Name of your organisation and membership number
- Why are you dissatisfied with Bonsucro’s decision?
- In your view, Bonsucro fail to follow the procedure? Explain how.
Bonsucro will acknowledge receipt via email within 10 business days, outlining any next steps.
Should you with to complain about Bonsucro’ services or appeal a decision taken by Bonsucro-
- Please always refer to the terms established in the relevant Bonsucro procedure and/or service or project agreement for more details on the appeal and complaint process specific to the activity, service, or project, contact Bonsucro via the Salesforce Chatter Group indicating the following information, as a minimum:
- Post title: TP – Complaint regarding Bonsucro’s services** or TP = Appeal against Bonsucro’s decision**
- Name of your organisation and membership number (if applicable)
- Why are you dissatisfied with Bonsucro’s decision?
- In your view, Bonsucro fail to follow the procedure / terms of the agreement?
Bonsucro will acknowledge receipt via email within 10 business days, outlining any next steps.
** also applicable to service providers contracted by Bonsucro to procure a service to Training providers.